Configure an application with HIPPOFACTS

A Hippo application’s configuration resides in its HIPPOFACTS, or Hippo artifacts, file. It defines metadata about the application such as the name, version, associated WebAssembly modules and the routes they handle, and static files that should be deployed with the application. The hippofactory command-line tool generates a bindle from the HIPPOFACTS file and pushes it to a Bindle server.

Once a bindle version has been pushed, it is immutable and you must change the version to push it again.

Below is an example HIPPOFACTS file for an application, BirdsOnDemand, that shows you awesome birds. The application has three endpoints:

  • /birds/flightless handled by penguin.wasm that deploys with images of some birds, such as the adelie and rockhopper.
  • /birds/irritable/fighty handled by cassowary.wasm that does not deploy any additional files.
  • /birds/naughty handled by kea.wasm that deploys with an image of a kea bird.
  name = "BirdsOnDemand"
  version = "1.2.3"
  description = "Provides birds as a service"
  authors = ["Joan Q Programmer"]

  route = "/birds/flightless"
  name = "bin/penguin.wasm"
  files = ["photo/adelie.png", "photo/rockhopper.png", "stock/*.jpg"]

  route = "/birds/irritable/fighty"
  name = "bin/cassowary.wasm"

  route = "/birds/naughty"
  name = "bin/kea.wasm"
  files = ["stock/kea.jpg", "stock/wipers.jpg"]


The bindle section defines metadata about your application:

  • name: The name of the application
  • version: The application version. Follows semver v2 and does not allow a leading v prefix.
  • description: OPTIONAL. A plaintext description of the application.
  • authors: OPTIONAL. A list of author names.


The handler entries can be repeated as many times as needed. Handlers define endpoints for your application and the WebAssembly module that should receive requests.

  • route: The request path. It should start a leading forward slash “/”, and does not support wildcards.
  • name: Relative path to the WebAssembly module (*.wasm file) that should handle the request.
  • files": OPTIONAL. A list of relative file paths of static files that should be deployed with the WebAssembly module. These files are available to the module when it is serving requests.